
Singapore: Equatorial Marine Fuel Management Services welcomes “EM SPLENDOUR”

Singapore bunker supplier Equatorial Marine Fuel Management Services Pte Ltd (EMF) on 25 April 2019 welcomed the 280,000 dwt EM Splendour, formerly known as CS Pioneer, to its fleet.

“The acquisition of EM Splendour is part of EMF’s preparation for 2020 where our direction is to reach further up the supply chain and operate as a more robust marine fuel logistics provider,” Choong Sheen Mao told Manifold Times.

“At the moment, we are a physical supplier who operates our own bunker barges. We presently supply about 360,000 mt of bunkers a month, and own, operate and manage our own fleet of 16 bunker tankers. So, the next step is to acquire our own floating oil storage and blending terminal.

“With IMO 2020 posing major challenges and uncertainties involving low sulphur fuel for the shipping industry, it is critical to provide a consistent and reliable supply of quality bunkers to our valued clients.”

Moving forward, Choong says the company is working with strategic partners on a variety of avenues to utilise EM Splendour in new ways.

“There are many things we can do with this new asset, but the most important is for her to also mutually benefit valued clients and partners.”

