APPEC 2024: Advocating Decarbonization of the Bunkering Fleet
A key challenge to maritime decarbonization is the uncertainty of short-term regulations. Without certainty of how to comply and with the high cost for adopting new technologies or marine fuels, the industry is in a bind – How do we justify our costly decarbonisation plans? Can we even break even, lest remain profitable?
In the end, it requires close collaboration and sharing of information between stakeholders of the wider maritime community. Technology is always evolving, regulations are always sharpening, but the direction is also getting clearer.
The fireside chat with Choong Sheen Mao, Chief Operating Officer, Equatorial Marine Fuel, was moderated by Ada Taib, Associate Editorial Director, APAG Crude & Fuel Oil, S&P Global Commodity Insights
See also: https://commodityinsights.spglobal.com/APPEC2024.html